Sports Memorabilia & Appraisals

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cherry Hill Public Library
Conference Center, Lower Level

Event Details

Michael Osacky, a certified vintage sportscard and memorabilia appraiser, will present on sports memorabilia and the hobby of collecting.

Attendees are invited to bring their vintage sports collectibles (1970 or earlier) and after his talk, he will provide free verbal appraisals as time allows.

About the Presenter: Michael Osacky is the owner of Baseball in the Attic, a Chicago-based firm specializing in vintage baseball cards and memorabilia. He is an active collector of pre-1970 sports cards, especially tobacco and Cracker Jack baseball cards. Osacky has written numerous articles for national publications such as Parade Magazine, Huffington Post, and Kiplinger's Magazine. Additionally, he is the vintage sports expert for various TV and radio outlets in Chicago.


Event Type(s): Adult, Teens
Age Group(s): Adults (18+), High School (Grades 9-12)
Presenter: Michael Osacky
Katie Hardesty

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